How Window Coverings Can Save You Cash


Quit throwing money out the window! We all like to be able to see what’s happening outside, but that’s not the only thing windows in your house can help you accomplish.

window-coveringsYour windows are a fantastic source of natural light and heat when you want a built-in, free air-conditioning system during the summer. The trick to getting what you want from windows is your window coverings. The right blinds or draperies can save you big on your energy bills.

Let the light in

Good window coverings will allow you to easily let just the right amount of natural light into your home. If you don’t want glare on your computer screen but can avoid turning the lights on if the blinds are open, find window coverings that allow you to direct the light away from your screen.

Modern window coverings you can open from the top or bottom are also ideal for letting the right light in.

Warm and cozy

Does your dog or cat curl up in that patch of sunlight coming through the window? There’s a reason. It’s nice and warm there. If you open the coverings on your south- and west-facing windows on a sunny winter afternoon, the rays will naturally warm your home in the winter.

Window covering as insulation

If the sun doesn’t pour through one of your windows or it’s a particularly cold and windy Colorado day or night, pulling your curtains or blinds closed adds a layer of insulation to your windows. The coverings can keep warm air in your home from escaping and frigid outdoor air from seeping in.

Window coverings can also insulate your house from the hot rays of the sun during the summer, keeping your home cool.

Natural air conditioning

Whatever window coverings you choose, make sure they won’t prevent you from opening your windows during the summer. Especially in Colorado, it pays to open the windows at night and let the cool air flow in. Then close the windows and the coverings in the morning to trap the cool air inside.

You might not need new windows

The counselors at the Energy Resource Center always hear from clients who think they need to replace their windows. While new windows are a great way to increase your home’s energy efficiency, they’re not typically cost effective if you’re on a tight budget.

Good window coverings can help you accomplish much of what new windows would at a fraction of the cost.

Get help

If you’re looking for ways to save money on your energy bills, the Energy Resource Center can help. ERC works with homeowners and renters in El Paso, Denver, Jefferson Elbert, Douglas, Fremont Teller, Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Saguache and Rio Grande counties to winterize their homes and reduce their energy bills. Contact us today for a FREE energy-efficiency audit.

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