The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Colorado Energy Office, helps low-income families with energy-efficiency upgrades. Energy Resource Center is the organization carrying out work for these agencies in 27 counties across Colorado.
Our work includes, potentially, repair/replacement of water heaters and furnaces, insulation in ceilings, walls, and crawlspaces, weather stripping on doors and windows, adding low-flow toilets and showerheads, and installing LED lightbulbs, among other measures. The work saves an average of 25% on monthly utility bills and the upgrades last, in some cases, as long as the home is standing.
This work is absolutely FREE to people who qualify based on income. Qualification means being at 200% or below of the federal poverty level, or receiving assistance from a government safety-net program like SNAP, LEAP, or SSI.
Weatherization upgrades are an invaluable part of the energy ecosystem. Not only do people save money on their utility bills, but the measures save money for utility companies. Less end-use means less strain on energy infrastructure, which means utility companies have to replace that infrastructure less often.
That said, our focus at Energy Resource Center is on the families having trouble affording their monthly utility bills, the families who also may be having trouble affording rent, food, or medication. By saving people money on their energy bills, we help their quality of life and peace of mind.
Find Energy Resource Center’s application page here.
Learn more about weatherization in Colorado here.