Invest in Community, Environment and Economy With a Donation to ERC


ERC-investAs a nonprofit, the Energy Resource Center depends on grant money and charitable donations to provide energy efficiency upgrades for free to income-qualified families in the Pikes Peak Region, Denver area and the San Luis Valley.

Most of our donors recognize that contributing to a program that helps people permanently lower their utility bills isn’t just a donation – it’s an investment in community, environment and the local economy.

Invest in community

All of the money the Energy Resource Center collects in donations helps families permanently reduce their utility bills and live more comfortably in their homes. This has a profound impact on quality of life for the families we help.

Children who aren’t shivering in their beds sleep better and can concentrate on their homework, enabling them to achieve more in school.

Adults who don’t have to worry about whether they can afford to keep the furnace running or the lights flickering at home can focus on their careers and their families.

If we can help families meet their most basic shelter needs comfortably, we can free them to achieve their bigger goals.

Invest in environment

The more inefficient our homes, the more energy we use. Since most of our energy comes from coal-fired electric plants and natural gas in the Denver, Colorado Springs and San Luis Valley areas of Colorado, it has an impact on our local environment.

If the Energy Resource Center can reduce the amount of energy our community consumes one family at a time, we’re reducing the impact our energy consumption has on our local environment.

Invest in economy

Inefficient homes aren’t just uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous – they’re also expensive to operate.

When the Energy Resource Center makes energy efficiency upgrades to a home in Colorado, the family living there immediately sees a noticeable reduction in utility expenses. We focus on upgrades that will save families money.

Every dollar a family doesn’t have to spend on heating and lighting the home is a dollar that can be spent on goods and services in the local economy.

Invest in the ERC

Your contributions make a major impact in the local community, environment and economy. The more households ERC helps, the stronger our communities grow. Invest with us today to help the ERC strengthen the local community, environment and economy.

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