How Home Energy Audits Save You Money

energy audit leaky faucet

energy audit leaky faucetWinters in Colorado may seem far away, but colder weather is just around the corner. With another bitter winter being predicted for 2015, be smart and make sure that your home is as energy-efficient as possible. Weatherizing your home can make your winter much more pleasant and save you money in the process.

ERC, the Energy Resource Center, is a Colorado organization that works to make energy efficiency improvements. Since 1979, ERC has strived to help people live safely in their homes. Income-qualified people can receive free audits that will help improve their everyday living and save on utility bills. ERC will also do audits for people who do not qualify for the free audits- your paid audit will help ERC provide services to income-qualified residents, while also making your home more energy efficient.

When you schedule an energy audit or audit with ERC, you can look forward to an appointment that will last up to two hours. An energy auditor will come to your house and look for all of the ways that energy is being wasted in your home and at its efficiency. From water temperatures to drafty windows, an auditor will look at how your home is working.

After the initial audit, your auditor will input his information into a specialized computer program. The program used by ERC helps determine which changes will make the biggest savings impact. Sometimes, small changes can have a more immediate return on savings, and the auditor can help figure out how to move forward

After your audit and the analysis, professionals will come to your house and begin to implement the valuable changes you’ve agreed upon. Upgrades may include, but are not limited to, adding insulation to your basement and attic, repairing leaks, replacing inefficient appliances, and switching old lightbulbs out for new LED’s and CFL’s. Depending on how much work is done, you can expect our professionals to take one to three days to upgrade your home.

These changes may seem small, but each and every one can add up quickly. By some estimates, lighting can add up to over 20% of a home’s energy costs. According to, changing just five of your most-used light bulbs with Energy Star bulbs can save you up to $75 a year. Adding insulation to an attic can help save hundreds on your heating bills in just one cold season. One faucet with a slow drip can waste 130 gallons in a year. Couple that with another dripping faucet and a running toilet and your water usage can go through the roof. Fixing leaky faucets and running toilets can give you immediate savings on your water bill.

Often, we think that changes have to be sweeping and all-encompassing to ‘count.’ We envision solar panels spanning a roofline or building an Earthship home on the eastern plains. These will definitely save you money on energy, but ERC’s mission is to help you stay warm and safe in your home by providing solutions to energy challenges.

Whether you qualify for a free audit, or you are able to pay for an audit, ERC’s services will prove invaluable to you and your family. Every dollar that you save on water, gas, and electric spells freedom for your family. Visit now for more information on how to get started on your energy audit now!


Energy Resource Center

Don’t Qualify for our Free Services?
You can still benefit from an ERC Energy Audit.
The ERC offers energy audits and services at competitive prices. Best of all, your payment helps to support our non-profit efforts. Learn More »
