It doesn’t just zap a lot of your energy to make a massive Thanksgiving feast for your tribe. Between pots boiling on the burners, turkey baking in the oven, last-minute warm-ups in the microwave and your electric mixer mixing away, your kitchen could easily be the biggest energy hog in the neighborhood.
Kitchens, outfitted with their many appliances, usually demand more energy than any other part of your home anyway. But big cooking expeditions, like the one you’re likely to embark upon for Thanksgiving, can create major energy spikes on your bill. We have a few tips that will help you keep your energy bill at a level that will still allow you to be thankful for big Thanksgiving feasts.
Check your appliances
You’re probably not going to run out and buy new Energy Star appliances between now and turkey day. However, you should make sure your oven and refrigerator are clean inside and outside. Gunk on the elements or an overstuffed and gummy refrigerator can make those important appliances less efficient. Of course, if your appliances are old and you have the dough, investing in new energy-efficient ones could save you significantly on your energy bill in the long run.
Boil with care
Boiling water seems like such a simple thing, but there are actually several tricks to boiling water in an energy-efficient way. If you add them all up, they could save you a pretty penny — more if you apply these principles all the time.
Oven smart
Your oven is another appliance that gobbles up the energy. Use these tricks to keep your oven from overheating your utility bill.
Other kitchen pointers
While the oven and stove can be the biggest energy bandits in the kitchen, they’re not the only ones.
Having a nice, warm kitchen where you can prepare a great meal is something to be thankful for. Making it as energy efficient as possible and changing your habits will give you something to be grateful about when the utility bill comes in December.
Contact the Energy Resource Center if you want any help making your Colorado home more energy efficient this winter. We provide free home energy audits and weatherization improvements for income-qualified families in El Paso, Teller, Fremont, Elbert, Douglas, Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Saguache and Rio Grande counties.