Are Your Utility Rates Increasing?
In mid-February, a record-breaking storm passed through the United States. The national news focused on Texas where simultaneous demand spikes and outages led to a surge…
Xcel Energy Has Bright Future In Renewables
Xcel Energy’s plans to shut down their coal-fired power plants isn’t just for Colorado: By 2030, the company plans on reducing carbon emissions in the Upper…
11 Simple Ways to Save Energy in Your Home
Saving energy in 2016 is a great idea. Starting off the year with an idea that can both save money for your family and be good for the environment is a win for everyone. We have several ideas how you can start the year off right by conserving energy.
What Should I Do If I Suspect A Gas Leak At Home?
In Colorado, a great many of our furnaces, water heaters and stoves run on natural gas. It’s a prevalent and cost effective energy source that’s also a lot cleaner than wood and coal alternatives. However, gas leaks can be deadly. So, what should you do if you suspect a gas leak? It might not be what you think.
How Window Coverings Can Save You Cash
Your windows are a fantastic source of natural light and heat when you want a built-in, free air-conditioning system during the summer. The trick to getting what you want from windows is your window coverings. The right blinds or draperies can save you big on your energy bills.
Keep Your Colorado Home Safe and Warm This Winter
We’re fortunate in Southern Colorado to have relatively mild winters. However, even mildly cold days and nights can be unbearable if your house can’t keep you…
Change The World
Remember how you felt in elementary school when you first learned about civil rights, global warming or genocide in Rwanda and you launched a full-blown campaign on all fronts of your life – at home, on the playground and on the phone with your grandparents?
You knew then that you could make a difference. You were just a little kid, but you were going to change the world.
Somehow, as we get older and bigger, the world is the only thing that seems to grow larger instead of smaller and its vastness makes us forget that we have the power to change it.
Colorado DIY Furnace Maintenance
If your furnace isn’t working correctly, it can make for a cold Colorado winter. A thorough furnace inspection is best left to a professional if you’re not familiar with furnaces and all that could be causing a malfunction. There are a lot of basic furnace maintenance tricks and tasks most renters and homeowners can and should do on a regular basis that could dramatically improve the performance of your home heating system.
Seven Great Tips for Saving Money on Natural Gas
Are there ways to save money if your home uses natural gas? The answer is yes. Here are seven great tips for you and your family to keep your natural gas bills down.