Which 10 States Use the Most Energy per Capita?

state energy consumption

Colorado didn’t make the top 10 list of state energy use per capita. You might notice a pattern among the states that have the highest energy use per person. Most are sparsely populated states, many in the West.

state energy consumption

Residential energy use is top of mind for most of us who have to pay the bill every month. But industrial facilities frequently use more energy than households. So, states with a lot of industry – and not so many people – can quickly end up with high per capita energy use.

  1. Wyoming
    It only makes sense that the country’s least populous state would have the highest per capita energy use.
    Rate: 948 million BTU per person
  2. Alaska
    The vast state is sparsely populated, requiring long drives and the use of diesel generators for power to many households.
    Rate: 898 million BTU per person
  3. Louisiana
    While third in per capita energy use, Louisiana tops the charts for energy consumption per dollar of gross domestic product, which makes the state one of the biggest energy consumers in a couple major ways.
    Rate: 894 million BTU per person
  4. North Dakota
    North Dakota has harsh winters requiring significant energy use for heating. The state ranks No. 1 for residential energy use per person even though it comes in fourth over all.
    Rate: 713 million BTU per person
  5. Iowa
    Iowa used more than twice the energy it generated in 2011, requiring the state to import power.
    Rate: 489 million BTU per person
  6. Texas
    If this list were ordered by biggest overall energy consumers, Texas would rank No. 1. The state uses more energy than any other. On a per person basis, however, Texas comes in sixth.
    Rate: 466 million BTU per person
  7. South Dakota
    While South Dakota has a high per capita energy consumption rate, the state gets a surprising amount of its energy from renewable sources — 77 percent from wind and hydropower.
    Rate: 465 million BTU per person
  8. Nebraska
    While the state has not historically produced much of its own energy, that could change as natural gas companies explore the Niobrara shale there.
    Rate: 461 million BTU per person
  9. Kentucky
    Kentucky is a serious coal-producing state that enjoys some of the lowest energy rates in the country.
    Rate: 455 million BTU per person
  10. Indiana
    Indiana relies heavily on coal for its energy and has a large industrial sector
    Rate: 442 million BTU per person


While Colorado doesn’t rank in the top 10 energy-consuming states, it never hurts to reduce your energy consumption. The Energy Resource Center can help you cut back and save money on your utility bills.

Source:US News & World Report: http://www.usnews.com/news/slideshows/the-10-states-that-use-the-most-energy-per-capita

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